Nevelius Shihan Friendship Seminars, March 2025
to Mar 24

Nevelius Shihan Friendship Seminars, March 2025

Jan Nevelius Shihan (7th Dan), from Vanadis Aikido Dojo in Stockholm, Sweden will return for another series of Friendship Seminars in March, 2025. For details, please check with the specific dojos that are hosting these gatherings in Wisconsin, Louisiana, and Massachussetts (see links below)

Aikido of Madison, NOLA Aikido, and Zenshinkan Dojo

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Luis Mochon Sensei at Aikido of Berkeley (May 12-13)
to May 13

Luis Mochon Sensei at Aikido of Berkeley (May 12-13)

Join Luis Mochon Sensei for two nights of training at Aikido of Berkeley. Mochon Sensei is the dojo cho and chief instructor at Musubi Aikido Grenada, in Grenada Spain, a senior Deshi to Endo Seishiro Shihan, and regularly gives classes and seminars internationally.

For more information, contact Rafael Heredia at: or Tel: +1-650-495-6879

For a printable flier (pdf) CLICK HERE

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Kimusubi Friendship Seminar with Sensei(s) Ariga, Mäntysaari, Oiwa, and Mochon    (May 16-18)
to May 18

Kimusubi Friendship Seminar with Sensei(s) Ariga, Mäntysaari, Oiwa, and Mochon (May 16-18)

  • Aikido of Santa Cruz (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join this Friendship Seminar with four exceptional teachers: Kaname Ariga Shihan, Miia Mäntysaari Sensei, Ryota Oiwa Sensei, and Luis Mochon Sensei. They are all senior deshi (direct students) of Endo Seishiro Shihan (8th Dan) and this is a rare opportunity to practice with them all together. For more information, contact Charles Colten directly at:

To Register: CLICK HERE

Printable Flier CLICK HERE

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Ai-Qi Gong Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Ai-Qi Gong Workshop

In this highly interactive and engaging workshop, Charles Colten will share his research at the intersection of the Mt. Emee style Qi Qong together with the Aiki-Tao of Endo Seishiro Shihan. . Please join to experience the study and practice of the movement of Qi through solo and partner practices….cultivating dynamic qi-connection through deep study, joyful exploration, and play.

For more information: CLICK HERE

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Aikido as Alternative Dispute Resolution for Advance Mediators
6:30 PM18:30

Aikido as Alternative Dispute Resolution for Advance Mediators

This highly-interactive workshop is hand-tailored for the NYU Law School-Advanced Mediation Clinic.

Informed by modern neuroscience, positive psychology, and the peaceful martial art of Aikido, participants learn effective strategies and practices for collaborative conflict resolution, mediation, and communication.

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Communication and the Emotionally Intelligent Leader
6:30 PM18:30

Communication and the Emotionally Intelligent Leader

This highly-interactive workshop is hand-tailored for the NYU School of Continuing Studies; Human Resources Department.

Informed by modern neuroscience, positive psychology, and Aikido, participants learn effective strategies and practices for cross-cultural communication, diversity/trauma informed leadership, and collaborative conflict resolution.

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Resilience: An online Seminar with Charles Colten Sensei @ NOLA Aikido
1:00 PM13:00

Resilience: An online Seminar with Charles Colten Sensei @ NOLA Aikido

How we can build, nourish, and nurture our ability to bounce back, find new opportunities, and ultimately thrive when we are faced with difficult obstacles, adversity, and rapidly changing environments?

Colten Sensei approaches this topic as part of his “Teaching for Mastery” series, which draws upon neuroscience research, positive psychology, patterns found in nature, and best practices in pedagogy. He naturally and seamlessly connects this body of research with Aikido principles and practices.

Come join us for an engaging, one-and-a-half hour investigation into Resilience. Come prepared to move, learn, and practice concrete “takeaway” methods for boosting your individual and community resilience.

Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing in which you can move and bring a pen and notepad.

Aikidoists, somatic artists, teachers, and learners of all styles, affiliations, and levels of experience are warmly welcome…so please feel free to share this information with your networks of peeps.

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Online Aiki-Seminar with Charles Colten Sensei
4:00 PM16:00

Online Aiki-Seminar with Charles Colten Sensei

Following the fundamental Aiki-principle of protection of life, we will not gather in Brattleboro this August for our annual Summer Ukemi Seminar with Charles Colten Sensei.

However, following the fundamental Aiki-priniciple of nurturing life, we’ll still gather as a community (online) for some collective movement and storytelling.

4:00-4:30pm – Aiki-Movement to get us in Sync together

4:00-6:00 pm – Gathering and Story Time

Please come and join together…prepared to move a little…and bring a story, poem, song, or joke to share.

Optional donations to support “River Valley Aikido” and “Aikido in the Schools”

Suggested donation: $15-35

Paypal to: aikidointheschools

Zoom Link:

If you are having financial difficulties during these times, there is no need to donate…

please just come and bring your ki J

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NYU School of Continuing Education: The Social and Emotionally Intelligent Leader
6:00 PM18:00

NYU School of Continuing Education: The Social and Emotionally Intelligent Leader

  • NYU School of Continuing Education (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop engages participants in the benefits of Social and Emotional Intelligence in guiding oneself, others, and organizations. Through an engaging, interactive process, participants learn, practice, and refine skills, techniques, and approaches to productive and meaningful communication.

Cross Cultural Communication and understanding, Stress Management, Collaborative Conflict Resolution, and Mindfulness-based Self Regulation are some of the skills that will be practiced.

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Aikido for PTSD @ the Harlem Vets Center
9:00 AM09:00

Aikido for PTSD @ the Harlem Vets Center

Charles Colten, the Confluence Institute, and Keganin No Senshi Aikido (KNSA) will provide a Train the Trainer workshop for Veterans at the Harlem Vet Center.

Keganin No Senshi Aikido (KNSA) is a modified form of Aikido developed specifically for veterans and others with Post Traumatic Stress. It is taught gently and involves no throws, falls or rolls. 

The Train-the-Trainers workshops for  veterans, veteran facility staff, and counselors and therapists teaches fundamentals and enables participants  to see the benefits of incorporating our modified, no-falls form of Aikido as part of a treatment program for veterans with Post Traumatic Stress.

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Conflict Resolution at NYU Law School
6:00 PM18:00

Conflict Resolution at NYU Law School

Charles Colten will teach a 2 hour workshop in Conflict Resolution at the NYU Law School Advanced Mediation Clinic. Principles of embodied leadership will be introduced and practiced. Supporting research will be provided as to why these methods not only make sense, but are effective in practice.

For more information, contact:

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Teaching for Mastery Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Teaching for Mastery Workshop

Teaching for Mastery is an interactive workshop, which brings best practices in pedagogy and advances neuroscience to teachers of somatic arts, ranging from public speaking and embodied leadership to yoga, martial arts, healing practices and physical therapy.

For more information contact:

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Aikido and Action Theater Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Aikido and Action Theater Workshop

Through a provocative meeting at the intersection of two forms; each steeped in present moment awareness and embodied improvisation…experience deep play through physicality, communication, and imagination.

This workshop is open to everyone, those with theater/movement/martial arts training and to those without. Contact: 

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Aikido and Action Theater
10:00 AM10:00

Aikido and Action Theater

This workshop is open to everyone, those with theater/movement/martial arts training and to those without.

We invite you, through a provocative meeting at the intersection of two forms; each steeped in present moment awareness and embodied improvisation…to experience deep play through physicality, communication, and imagination. Aikido study focuses on the creative potential unleashed from a connected state of mind, body, and spirit; leading to greater freedom in an ability to respond rather than react. Action Theater channels this responsive freedom into fresh vocabularies of expression in movement, vocalization and speech.  This workshop builds on our shared fascination with the micro-worlds of timing, pulse, and how the music of movement falls, arrests, and flows into expanded communication. Contact:


AIKIDO; a modern Japanese martial art, developed in the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba (O Sensei), synthesizes many other martial arts into a unified “way of harmony.” While Aikido principles and practices derive from a martial tradition, its “goal” is not the destruction of an “opponent”, but rather true unification, authentic communication, resolution of conflict, and the co-creation of a peaceful world through the development of peaceful people.


ACTION THEATER, developed by Ruth Zaporah, is a way into improvisation through an embodied doorway. It employs the awakened physical body as a vehicle to express imagination and experience with depth, precision, and delight. Action Theater cultivates a fearless, gentle relationship with the unknown through play with space, time, and feeling.


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Inaugural Isshinkai Seminar at Naka Ima Aikido in Toronto, Canada
7:00 PM19:00

Inaugural Isshinkai Seminar at Naka Ima Aikido in Toronto, Canada

Charles Colten Sensei (5th Dan) will be one of the guest instructors at the Inaugural Isshinkai Seminar in Toronto, Canada.

Isshinkai translates as one heart; one mind. This June Naka Ima is happy to open up its doors and mat to 5 instructors from across North America in a joint, open study and deep exploration of current aikido practice.

Participating Instructors:

Greg Angus Sensei - 6th dan. Toronto CAN
Glenn Leichman - 5th dan. Seattle WA
Charles Colten - 5th dan. New York NY
Dan Dease - 4th dan. Orlando FL
Brian Levy - 4th dan New Orleans LA

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New Judges Training-Effective Conflict Management for Administrative Law Judges
3:00 PM15:00

New Judges Training-Effective Conflict Management for Administrative Law Judges

  • Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As a member of the teaching faculty of the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) in New York City, Charles Colten will be presenting “Conflict Management for Administrative Law Judges” as part of a New Judges Training program.

The workshop will include theory and practice of effective conflict management. based on somatic awareness, neuro-scientific research, and the martial arts.

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Aikido Seminar at Mattole Valley Aikido
to May 26

Aikido Seminar at Mattole Valley Aikido

  • Mattole Valley Aikido (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Charles Colten Sensei (5th Dan) returns to the Mattole Valley for his annual summer seminar. This workshop is open to Aikidoists of all styles, affiliations, and abilities. Due to the remote nature of this extremely rural retreat, pre-registration is required. Contact Drew Barber Sensei at:

This seminar will focus on the concept of “Ma” (time, space, rhythm, interval, stillness, and silence) as it relates to kimusubi and the somatic dialogue between uke and nage.

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Citywide Roundtable Restorative Approaches in New York City
9:00 AM09:00

Citywide Roundtable Restorative Approaches in New York City

  • Prince Joshua Avitto Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Charles Colten will participate in the 2nd Citywide Roundtable on Restorative Approaches in New York City.

At the first Citywide Roundtables, Colten met with colleagues who are working across all areas of the city on Restorative Justice practices. His focus is on School Initiatives for Creative Conflict Resolution.

This event is sponsored by the Restorative Justice Initiative, The Brownsville Think Tank Matters, Man Up Inc, and The Center for Creative Conflict Resolution.

For more information about this event, register here:

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